Purple, Red and Orange Radial Gradient Illustration


Experience the Music

AuxBattles is a music ​streaming app that gives ​purpose to the music we ​love.

Games are played with four teams, and each team starts with three lives. Everyone takes turns playing 15-30 second song previews, and a life is lost when a majority of people vote against the songs played. The last team or person standing is the Aux Champion.

Use Visualizers

Visualizers transform music into visible art. They help to alleviate the abruptness between song changes and create smooth transitions that are essential for the success of AuxBattles.

Build Unique Playlists

Press shuffle within a playlist to play a new song each round.

Pressing shuffle randomizes the song selection. This adds a layer of mystery and excitement for what plays next.

Connect with Friends

Use AuxBattles to connect with people you know.

AuxBattles can also connect you to people from around the world.

Grow Your Social Base

AuxBattles introduces you to ideas and spaces that may interest you.

You can use these spaces to meet new people, engage, and create connections.

Enjoy livestream DJ Battles!!

DJs epitomize the Aux experience.

Experience electrifying head-to-head matchups streamed live via the AuxBattles App. Each match spans an intense 15-30 min, with two skilled DJs alternating turns every 30 seconds to 5 minutes.




Boulder, Colorado

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